Aquamog E50

The Aquamog E50 dominates in shallow water excavation and vegetation removal. This aquamog can access sites and areas that other aquamogs can not reach. This mog has become a potential life saver. In 2013 and 2014 when the City of Los Angeles was faced with West Nile mosquito infestation in an urban lake, the Aquamog E50 was called in to remove excessive water primrose, cattail, and bulrush. These removals allowed the Greater Los Angeles Vector Control to access the previously uncontrolled area.
As the water resources become more valuable in the western United States, maintenance of the shallow water areas are critical for wildlife and marine life.
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Aquamog CCX-238

The Newest Aquamog – The Aquamog CCX-238

The Newest Addition to the Aquamog Family is the Aquamog CCX-238

The Aquamog was created in the early 1980′s by Aquatics Unlimited (AU).The McNabb family founded AU in the 1970

Both Tom and Dave McNabb developed the Aquamog brand and line of equipment throughout the 1980s and 1990s while with AU. Tom continued the Aquamog line into the new century with the addition of the MarshMog. Tom’s new company Clean Lakes, Inc. located in Martinez, California and Dave’s company DK Environmental in Lafayette, California have been working together on the Aquamog CCX project for about 10 years and in February 2009 the Aquamog CCX-238 was introduced into the Aquamog family.

The machine know by some as the cookie cutter was in  “no name land” so to speak. It did not fit the mold of conventional aquamogs as being a multi-purpose aquatic maintenance vessel. But is has now worked its way into the Aquamog family of machines.

With 10 years of testing and rigorous evaluation Tom and Dave thought that the machine without a name had finally proven itself as a true aquamog. The Aquamog CCX had meet all the critical challenges to become an Aquamog. The Aquamog CCX-238 has now passed all the tests and is ready to stand side by side with the rest of the Aquamogs.

What makes the Aquamog CCX special is its ability to get into places that can not be reached by the MarshMog or the Aquaomg PRX-163 and Aquamog SRX-109. In addition it has been found that the Aquamog CCX system of removing aquatic emergent vegetation such as cattails and bulrush can be performed in a fraction of the time and more efficiently than with the other aquamogs. This equates to a savings for clients and users of the machines.

Like with the other Aquamogs the McNabb’s have a unique way of naming the aquamogs after their best attributes. The Aquamog CCX-238 is no different. The Aquamog CCX-238 gets its name from the 238 horse-power Detroit engine that it has humming under the back hood. The CCX stands for “Cookie Cutter eXtraordinaire”.

The following is a list of some of the other aquamog names and how they where derived.

Aquaomg PRX-163 – 163 Horse Power and PRX stands for “Power Rig eXtraordinaire”
Aquamog SRX-109 – 109 Horse Power and SRX stands for “Small Rig eXtraordinaire”
HarborMog HRX-109 109 Horse Power and HRX stands for “Harbor Rig eXtraordinaire”
Aquamog WRX-225 225 Horse Power and WRX stands for “Walking Rig eXtraordinaire”

So you see it was only fitting to give the Aquamog CCX-238 is proper name. All of the aquamogs that where made by the McNabb’s will be featured over the next few months in a series at Please check those site for more information on the other Aquamogs and projects that they have done all over the world.


MarshMog Just Cruisin

The Marshmog is a multi-purpose aquatic habitat restoration machine developed & designed by Clean Lakes located in Martinez, Calif.. The Marshmog was first operated in 2007.

The Marshmog is best suited for aquatic plant control in wetland & marsh areas. Marshes and wetlands most times can’t be accessed by floating aquatic machinery such as the Aquamog, Cookie Cutter or Aquatic Weed Harvesters. As well land equipment such as backhoes, excavators and draglines can’t access most wetlands & marshes without building access roads which can damage these sensitive aquatic ecosystem.

The Marshmog however has a ground pressure of 0.61 pounds per square inch. This is an amazingly low figure and is even less than most individuals just with their footprint. This equates to the most efficient way of doing maintenance jobs in our sensitive aquatic habitats. The Marshmog can operate in wet soil types where humans can’t walk, and in water depths up to 2′two feet}.

The Marshmog can be used for many vegetation clearing projects. It can be equipped with numerous attachments that include mowers and brush grinders, as well as plows and discing attachments.

GPS Guided aquatic herbicide treatments can be made by the Marshmog as well. In areas that were only previously accessible for this type of work the Marshmog excels at a much lower cost

marshmog-mowing-cattails     marshmog-reloading-airboat-

Neary Lagoon Tule Removal Project – Santa Cruz, CA

These are some picture of the Aqaumog SRX in action from a project performed by Aquatic Unlimited back in the mid 1990’s. The operator of the Aquamog was Dave McNabb now with DK Environmental out of Lafayette, CA

In this project the emergent vegetation was first mowed to the water level using a flail mower attachment. Next up was the rotovation attachment to remove the roots.

Here are some before and pictures as well as the SRX in action.

neary-lagoon-boardwalk-sw-before neary-lagoon-boardwalk-sw-after neary-lagoon-boardwalk-se-view neary-lagoon-boardwalk-se-after neary-lagoon-boardwalk-ne-before neary-lagoon-boardwalk-ne-after aquamog-srx-flail-mowing-neary-lagoon aquamog-neary-lagoon-rotovator-up aquamog-neary-lagoon-rotovator-down

Aquamog SRX

The Aquamog SRX came on the scene in the early 1990s. The SRX stands for “Small Rig Extraordinaire”. This aquamog was created by the McNabb’s with the goal of having a small mog that had enough power to do some of the tasks that it’s big brother the PRX could handle.
The goal in creating the SRX was to make an aquamog that was 8″6″ wide making it road legal without a wide load permit. In addition the paddle wheel propulsion units fold up hydraulically behind the cab. So with this mog you can go from transport truck to the water in a matter of minutes.
The Aquamog SRX can handle all the attachments that th RPX can with the exception of the dredge attachments. The SRX has it own dredge attachments that are still very powerful and as productive as many small dredges.
Here you can see the Aquamog PRX in action.
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Aquamog PRX

The Aquamog PRX first arrived on the scene in 1990. The PRX represented “Power Rig Extraordinaire”. The main difference from the previous Aquamog MPAR was the new hydraulic controls and the shorter barge. The paddle wheel controls were now on a seat mounted joystick.
The Aquamog PRX proved to be one of the most versatile Aquamogs ever built. It had the power and capacity to be a high performance pump dredge as well as an aquatic vegetation removal vessel.
Municipalities, Homeowners Associations, and contractors a like purchased Aquamog PRXs for many different specific tasks. The PRX aquamog was the fist mog to be sold over seas by the McNabb’s.
Below are some Aquamog PRX pictures:
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Aquamog MPAR

The first Aquamog pieced together from a H10 harvester barge and a frame with cab and power pack. The next generation of Aquamog was dubbed the Aquamog MPAR family. The MPAR standing for “Multi-Purpose Aquatic Rig”. These aquamogs were equipped with Deutz air cooled diesel engines. The hydraulic controller were cable controlled.
These units were the test production units as well as the first commercially sold units. The Aquamog above was the first produced machine that was not in the contract fleet. It was purchased by the Lake Big Bear Municipal Water District in Big Bear California. This aquamog is the oldest machine still in service today. The Lake Big Bear unit was built in the late 1980s.
The MPAR Aquamogs being the first production units there were some testing and some flaws. The most notable was the height of the seat and the layout of the controls. The cab of these aquamogs was built around Dave McNabb’s height and arm lenghth. Dave was the very first Aquamog operator and the seats were fixed at his height and the controls were spaced at his arm reach. So once the machines started being sold and as Dave trained new operators it was quickly noticed that shorter operators feet would not reach the floor or their arms could not reach multiple controls at one time.
Below you can see additional pictures of the Aquamog MPAR machines that became the beginnings of the use of the Multi-Purpose Aquatic Rig know as the Aquamog!
Aquamog-MPAR-Sidewineder Aquamog-MPAR-Sidewineder-2
The Aquamog MPAR know as the “Sidewinder”
The fastest Aquamog ever built was also a Aquamog MPAR and was know as the “Mississippi Queen”. You can click this link to read about this one of a kind Aquamog.

Giant Weed Eater Takes Bite Out of Cooter Pond

This is a reprint from the Citrus County Chronicle from December 4, 1990. Dave McNabb from Aquatics Unlimited demonstrated the Aquamog in Cooter Pond for County officials. Citrus County later bought an Aquamog for use in their war on aquatic weeds. We are calling this series “Aquamog Blast From The Past”.

Giant Weed Eater Takes Bite Out of Cooter Pond

Aquamog-Cooter-PondCitrus County water weed experts converged on Cooter Pond in Inverness Monday and watched a different kind of weed-eating machine. Aquatics Unlimited of Martinez, Calif., introduced the Aqua Mog to Citrus, demonstrating its unique ability to uproot hydrilla and reach plants as deep as 22 feet.

By Diana Johnson
Staff writer

A new-fangled, weed-whacking monster took to Cooter Pond Monday.

The Aqua Mog, an underwater weed harvester made by Aquatics Unlimited in Martinez, Calif., chewed through weeds and floating mud islands during a demonstration for county and state weed controllers.

The Aqua Mog is a recently developed weed harvester which comes complete with assorted attachments to undermine uncontrolled weed growth, said Tom Dick of the county’s aquatic weed control department.

Unlike conventional harvesters whose blades cut only the top five feet of weeds, one of the Aqua Mog’s attachments can dip a roto-tiller-like attachments 12 to 17 feet into the water, cutting and uprooting plants, which then float to the surface, Dick said.

The Aqua Mog can also battle its way through floating mud islands, called tussocks, that have a depth of two to three feet, he said.

Because the Aqua Mog can dig into the root system, the results would last longer, as well, Dick said.

But even though the machine can dig deeper it has some disadvantages, Dick said.

Although it can go deeper than current weed cutters, its attachments take about a half an hour to dismantle and remount, Dick said. So another machine must follow to pick up the weeds left floating on the surface or time must be taken to change parts, he said.

The front-end-loader type arm would create some disturbance or the pond’s bottom, but Dick said he doubted it would cause any permanent damage to the ecological system.

The Aqua Mog is priced at $125,000 for the basic machine. Smaller harvesters now being used locally cost about $50,000 he said, and larger machines cost about $100,000.

The costs of the Aqua Mog models are too expensive for the county right now, Dick said, but if the company is willing to consider a contract usage or try-out period, the machine may be used to battle hydrilla and other weeds suffocating canals in Crystal River.

The machine will continue to be demonstrated in Cooter Pond Tuesday morning, Dick said. Cooter Pond, which is located next to the sheriff’s department and State Road 44 was chosen because of its low usage and neutral location to residents.

Dick said the compnay demonstrated the machine at a trade show in Orlando this past weekend before being asked to demonstrate it here. He reserved judgement on how much it might help in the war on weeds here until he had seen it in action some more.

You can see a copy of the actual article by clicking this link > Aquamog in Cooter Pond