Tag: aquamog
Aquamog Mini
Aquamog CCX-238
The Newest Aquamog – The Aquamog CCX-238
The Newest Addition to the Aquamog Family is the Aquamog CCX-238
The Aquamog was created in the early 1980′s by Aquatics Unlimited (AU).The McNabb family founded AU in the 1970
Both Tom and Dave McNabb developed the Aquamog brand and line of equipment throughout the 1980s and 1990s while with AU. Tom continued the Aquamog line into the new century with the addition of the MarshMog. Tom’s new company Clean Lakes, Inc. located in Martinez, California and Dave’s company DK Environmental in Lafayette, California have been working together on the Aquamog CCX project for about 10 years and in February 2009 the Aquamog CCX-238 was introduced into the Aquamog family.
The machine know by some as the cookie cutter was in “no name land” so to speak. It did not fit the mold of conventional aquamogs as being a multi-purpose aquatic maintenance vessel. But is has now worked its way into the Aquamog family of machines.
With 10 years of testing and rigorous evaluation Tom and Dave thought that the machine without a name had finally proven itself as a true aquamog. The Aquamog CCX had meet all the critical challenges to become an Aquamog. The Aquamog CCX-238 has now passed all the tests and is ready to stand side by side with the rest of the Aquamogs.
What makes the Aquamog CCX special is its ability to get into places that can not be reached by the MarshMog or the Aquaomg PRX-163 and Aquamog SRX-109. In addition it has been found that the Aquamog CCX system of removing aquatic emergent vegetation such as cattails and bulrush can be performed in a fraction of the time and more efficiently than with the other aquamogs. This equates to a savings for clients and users of the machines.
Like with the other Aquamogs the McNabb’s have a unique way of naming the aquamogs after their best attributes. The Aquamog CCX-238 is no different. The Aquamog CCX-238 gets its name from the 238 horse-power Detroit engine that it has humming under the back hood. The CCX stands for “Cookie Cutter eXtraordinaire”.
The following is a list of some of the other aquamog names and how they where derived.
Aquaomg PRX-163 – 163 Horse Power and PRX stands for “Power Rig eXtraordinaire”
Aquamog SRX-109 – 109 Horse Power and SRX stands for “Small Rig eXtraordinaire”
HarborMog HRX-109 109 Horse Power and HRX stands for “Harbor Rig eXtraordinaire”
Aquamog WRX-225 225 Horse Power and WRX stands for “Walking Rig eXtraordinaire”
So you see it was only fitting to give the Aquamog CCX-238 is proper name. All of the aquamogs that where made by the McNabb’s will be featured over the next few months in a series at www.aquamogs.com. Please check those site for more information on the other Aquamogs and projects that they have done all over the world.
MarshMog Just Cruisin
The Marshmog is a multi-purpose aquatic habitat restoration machine developed & designed by Clean Lakes located in Martinez, Calif.. The Marshmog was first operated in 2007.
The Marshmog is best suited for aquatic plant control in wetland & marsh areas. Marshes and wetlands most times can’t be accessed by floating aquatic machinery such as the Aquamog, Cookie Cutter or Aquatic Weed Harvesters. As well land equipment such as backhoes, excavators and draglines can’t access most wetlands & marshes without building access roads which can damage these sensitive aquatic ecosystem.
The Marshmog however has a ground pressure of 0.61 pounds per square inch. This is an amazingly low figure and is even less than most individuals just with their footprint. This equates to the most efficient way of doing maintenance jobs in our sensitive aquatic habitats. The Marshmog can operate in wet soil types where humans can’t walk, and in water depths up to 2′two feet}.
The Marshmog can be used for many vegetation clearing projects. It can be equipped with numerous attachments that include mowers and brush grinders, as well as plows and discing attachments.
GPS Guided aquatic herbicide treatments can be made by the Marshmog as well. In areas that were only previously accessible for this type of work the Marshmog excels at a much lower cost
Aquamog PRX
Aquamog MPAR